Where I am

Parbatipur, my home away from home, is a small town in Dinajpur district, north-western Bangladesh. It has a population of about 350 000 people, including a significant minority of indigenous communities. A major railway junction during the colonial era, it is now more of a sleepy backwater, dotted with crumbling red-brick bungaloes, where buffaloes are more common than cars.

About me

My photo
After graduating in 2008, I decided to scratch my perpetually itchy feet and try out the life of a development worker. Currently working as a VSO volunteer for a grass roots development organisation that works with indigenous peoples in north-western Bangladesh, this blog is made up of my observations, reflections and ramblings about life in this wonderfully exasperating country. Having been in Bangladesh since October 2008, the time is rapidly approaching when I will need to decide what I'm going to do next. This blog will also document my journey from Bangladesh to whatever comes next...

Saturday, 11 October 2008

Nerves and Packing 11/10/08

Finally ready. Well, at least my stuff is. It is zip-locked, silica-gelled and crammed haphazardly into an assortment of bags. After several dodgy moments on the bathroom scales, I'm not truly convinced that it weighs less than 25 kilos. I'm not even sure if 25 kilos is the limit, or if it's in fact 23 kilos, or if I'm actually allowed 2 bags. Oh god. What if they confiscate one of my bags at check-in? What if I arrive in Banglades with a million zip-loc bags and half a kilo or silica gel, but no knickers!? What if they lose my bags on the way? What if I have to wear sandals and linen trousers FOREVER!

As you might be able to tell, while my stuff is ready, my head certainly is not. Having spent the last few days haring across the country and saying various drunk and weepy goodbyes, I don't really believe that tomorrow afternoon I'll actually be leaving the UK for 13 months.


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